Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm A Winner!

Look at the sidebar to the left and you'll find a brand spankin' new button.  I was the winner of the Making Home Work Challenge for May.

I blogged about the contest. Then I won it. 

I was the only eligible entrant, but that's not important. 

The important part is I won!!

Today on Making Home Work there is a yummy fudge recipe that looks way easier than any other I've ever made. Check it out.


  1. Good for you, Andrea! So happy to see you won. And you did have to complete your goal and do something between Monday and Friday to win, right? So congratulations!

  2. Congrats, Andrea!

  3. HA! It's always nice to win...and if you are the only eligible then you deserve the win. Congrats.
    Now I am curious and will go check it out. :-)
