Without a doubt, America's foundation is shifting. Over time our nation has adopted policies that have broken our founders' vows of faith. We have educated a generation that does not understand it unique destiny. We have banished the virtues we no longer find relevant. But it is time to think clearly. Who have we been historically, and what kind of nation are we becoming?
Be the People sounds a rallying cry for "We the People of the United States" to stand up and reclaim the life, liberty, and justice envisioned by our forefathers. Drawing on her training in political science and law, author Carol M. Swain, PhD, examines the religious significance of today's most pressing issues and courageously exposes the cultural forces that threaten our cherished values and principles.
"Publishing this book is a risk well worth taking," Dr. Swain writes, " Because America is a nation well worth restoring." With expert analysis, action points, and an appendix that includes essential documents such as the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, this landmark book empowers We the People to Be the People who fight for the values and principles that helped make our nation one of the greatest the world has known.
Andrea's Take: ****4 Stars
In Be the People, Dr. Swain explores how the American government has moved slowly but surely away from the ideals of our founders so that they likely wouldn't recognize modern America as the same country they intended when they signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. "America's foundation is shifting. It is time to think clearly. Who have we been historically, and what kind of nation are we becoming?" (17). She explores hot-button social issues (abortion, same-sex marriage, separation of church and state, racism, and illegal immigration) from a biblical perspective and a Constitutional perspective. As she overlaps these two perspective, the reader sees remarkable similarities between them that modern cultural elites would have us overlook - and have gone to great lengths to see that we do.
Dr. Swain discusses each topic in depth, giving details about our government's practices.Then she applies the Bible and the writings of America's founders to the issue to show how we've gone wrong and where we should be headed. I like that she included the appendices of the Ten Commandments, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and The Constitution of the United States. While I own several Bibles in various versions, making the Ten Commandments readily available, I did not have copies of the other documents, and I really think every American household should have them handy.
The only negative I found in Be the People is that the academic style often slowed me down. I found myself digging through academic speech to get to the nuggets of wisdom buried within it. This was enough to count off a star on my 5-star scale. However, those nuggets were pure gold, certainly worth the dig. This book earned every one of it's four stars.
* * * * *
Lovely Readers,
Don't forget to comment on Thursday's post for a chance to win Darlene Franklin's three books. And tune in next week for the third and final review on that trilogy.
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